光陰似箭,歲月如梭! 在EDK推出好幾年後,緊接著BIOS界中的另一個大事情就是又來了一個EDKII。
其實EDK II 推出的概念是因為EDK 有許多使用者有一堆抱怨,像是不能跨平台使用啦~不能用"微軟"之外的Compiler啦~東西不夠模組化啦~
因此針對了使用者的抱怨而做了一些修改? (一些嗎? 改的還蠻大的,不過幾乎都是在Build tool端,本身你寫EFI driver的方式沒啥改變)
從寫EFI driver的角度來看,你會發現有許多的EntryPoint全部被導入到EDKII的Library內去做初始化,這個好處是當Platform改變時容易移植到其他平台!
而其他的部分你就要去習慣新的Build tool的語法以及用法了。
不多說,那要怎麼開始呢? 一樣找Google 大神,找EDKII後點擊第一個連結去抓code吧!
1. 先下載 EDKII codebase
2.解壓縮到隨便一個目錄,我是解壓縮到 E:\UDK2010.SR1.UP1
3.從說明文件 "UDK2010.SR1.UP1-ReleaseNotes-MyWorkSpace.txt" 內你可以得知下面幾件事情
a.Desktop - [Nt32Pkg]
b. DUET - UEFI Simulation Environment directly on Hardware (via boot process)
2) HOW TO BUILD (WINDOWS SYSTEM) 你要如何在windows系統去建構他
a.Setup Build Environment 設定你的建構環境
- Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2008* SP1 in the build machine and make sure that AMD64
complier was selected when installing.
(安裝微軟的VS2008 SP1,在安裝時要確認你有把AMD64 Compiler選項打勾)
- Download "iasl-win-20070508.zip" from "http://www.acpica.org/downloads/Version_20070508.php"
and extract file "iasl.exe" to C:\ASL
(去這個連結抓iasl-win-20070508.zip 這個檔案,並解壓縮後把iasl.exe複製到C:\ASL ,如果
b . Extract Common Source Code 解壓縮需要的檔案
- Extract files in [UDK2010.SR1.UP1.MyWorkSpace] to the working space directory (e.g C:).
Note the Directory "MyWorkSpace" will be created as a result.
In this case, it is C:\MyWorkspace. There are two BaseTools package one is for Windows
system and another is for UNIX-Like system.
Please make sure BaseTools(Windows).zip is used here. Expand the appropriate BaseTools to
- Make sure the patch utility has been installed in your machine.
C:\MyWorkSpace然後再把Windows的Build tool "BaseTools(Windows).zip"也解壓縮到
c. Generate OpenSSL* Crypto Library (產生OpenSSL Crypto 函數庫)
OpenSSL 的 Crypto 函數庫實作了許多資料編碼方法,像是資料摘要函數(使用
演算法)以及非對稱式加密函數(DSA/RSA 演算法)。
- Open file "C:\MyWorkspace\CryptoPkg\Library\OpensslLib\Patch-HOWTO.txt" and
follow the instruction to install OpenSSL* for UEFI building.
◎ Download OpenSSL 0.9.8w from official website:
http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-0.9.8w.tar.gz (先把這個檔案抓下來)
◎ Extract TAR into CryptoPkg/Library/OpenSslLib/openssl-0.9.8w
(把解壓縮出來的目錄openssl-0.9.8w 放到CryptoPkg/Library/OpenSslLib底下)
◎ Apply this patch: EDKII_openssl-0.9.8w.patch, and make installation
For Windows Environment:
------------------------------ Make sure the patch utility has been installed in your machine.
Install Cygwin or get the patch utility binary from
Install Cygwin or get the patch utility binary from
安裝後會在我的C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32目錄內
- cd $(WORKSPACE)\CryptoPkg\Library\OpensslLib\openssl-0.9.8w
- "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\patch" -p0 -i ..\EDKII_openssl-0.9.8w.patch
- "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\patch" -p0 -i ..\EDKII_openssl-0.9.8w.patch
- cd ..
d. Build Steps (開始Build code吧~)
*** NT32 ***
- Open a command prompt, type command "cd C:\MyWorkspace" to enter the workspace
- Install.cmd
*** NT32 ***
- Open a command prompt, type command "cd C:\MyWorkspace" to enter the workspace
directory, and then type command "edksetup" to initialize the working environment.
- Type below commands to build platforms "build -t VS2008x86
- Type below commands to build platforms "build -t VS2008x86
(進入到你想到的Platform 目錄內,然後輸入build -t VS2008x86 ,然後你就可以
There are two methods to select the tool chain (Use Microsoft Visual Studio 2008* as sample):
- Update TOOL_CHAIN_TAG in file Conf/target.txt: TOOL_CHAIN_TAG = VS2008
- Add -t build option in command line: "build -t VS2008 ... "
For 32-bit VS2008 on 64-bit WINDOWS OS, VS2008x86 should be selected instead of VS2008.
Please refer to tools_def.txt for all supported tool chains and detailed descriptions.
(tools_def.txt will be generated at Conf directory after running "edksetup".)